Event Planning Solutions
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About us


In consideration to our clients confidentiality, we choose not to disclose names of the corporations and companies we have managed these programs for. References from these clients are available upon request. We welcome the opportunity to enter into non-disclosure agreements to protect our clients identities and business strategies.


Sample Program Managed

Ø  Pharmaceutical Company
Ø  Automotive Manufacturer
Ø  Cosmetics Industry
Ø  Consumer Manufacturing           
Ø  Luxury Retail Chain
Ø  University (Higher education)
Ø  Publishing
Ø  Media (Broadcasting & Cable)
Ø  Entertainment
Ø  Technology (Manufacturer)
Ø  Internet
Ø  Hospitality
Ø  Real Estate
Ø  Financial (Banking) 
Ø  Not-for-Profit
Ø  Association

Ø  Medical Investigators Forum
Ø  Product Launch (car unveiling)
Ø  Sales Meetings, Press. Clubs
Ø  National Convention
Ø  Store openings, Training
Ø  Continuing education programs
Ø  Author Road Shows
Ø  Sales Meetings
Ø  Golf/Client Events
Ø  Training Conference
Ø  Sales Meeting
Ø  Board of Directors Meeting               
Ø  Global Conference
Ø  International Investment Symposium
Ø  Oversight Committee
Ø  Annual Convention

Here is also a sample of locations where we have done meetings and events over the years:

North America & Caribbean: New York, Miami, Washington DC, Seattle, Honolulu, Dallas, San Francisco, St. Louis, Chicago, Atlanta, Montreal, Toronto, Mexico City, Cancun, Cozumel, Scottsdale, Santa Fe, Santa Barbara, Denver, St. Louis, Boston, Naples, Orlando, Nevis, San Juan, Sint Maarten, Cabo San Lucas, Honolulu, Kona, New Orleans, Houston, San Diego, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Costa Rica, Bermuda, Barbados, and many others.

Europe and Mid-East: Paris. London, Vienna, Berlin, Madrid, Marbella, Rome, Milan, Moscow, Aberdeen, Brussels, Geneva, Munich, Lisbon, Faro, Funchal, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Koln, Prague, Biarritz, Nice, Cannes, Zurich, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Bruge, Istanbul, Athens, Kuwait City, Baharain, Dubai, Cairo, Eilat, Muscat, and many others.

Asia, Africa and Pacific Rim: Tokyo, Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, Shanghai, Bali, Bora Bora, Manila, Macau, Sydney, Melbourne, Cairns, KL, Phuket Island, Mumbai, Delhi, Kathmandu, Seychelles, Marrakesh, Rabat, Nairobi, Cape Town, Luanda, and many others

South America: Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Recife, Brasilia, Santiago, Val Paraiso, Machu Picchu, Buens Aires, Sta. Margarita, Quito, Bariloche (Llao Llao), Bogota and others